Helping you through pivotal points in life

In all our lives, there are pivotal points. Points where life changes on a dime and we are forced to forge a new, uncharted path. That the status quo of our lives is no longer sustainable or desirable. Maybe that pivotal point is understanding that you’re finally done with living your day-to-day life from a place of fear and anxiety.

These times in life are daunting, for sure. But they are often the beginning of greater joy, purpose, and meaning in life. You just need some help to get there.

I can help you begin to accept the events that led you to this point and, together, we can envision and build a new life, even if there are limitations. I can help you learn the skills needed to move out of fear and anxiety to live from a place of confidence and authenticity.

Raymond Annable, Psy.D

Psychotherapy Near Me

As a psychologist, it’s a privilege to meet people at times in life where everything has changed or life as you know it has become too painful to stay the same. These pivotal points can be intensely scary and overwhelming. One thing you don’t have to feel is alone. It can make all the difference to have someone by your side to guide you through these changes and help you envision what’s next in life.

You’ll find in our sessions that I am often active and direct while also allowing for there to be space to sit with and experience what you are going through.

Outside of the office, you’ll find me hiking with my family, running, and biking. Being outside and doing endurance activities is my favorite way to feel present and connected to myself and the world.

I am currently offering all appointments via telehealth at this time to clients located in North Carolina and many states across the country including North Carolina, Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia.

Call My Direct Line: 828-808-6575